Thank you for your interest in wanting to become a member of the Board of Directors for Angel’s Helping Hands Nonprofit Organization. Serving on the board is a rewarding experience and an opportunity for personal and professional growth. You may find it helpful to read through the entire application and Board Member Responsibilities before you begin filling it out as it will help you understand the skills and time commitments of this leadership position. Once you complete this application in its entirety, email your resume to
This application will be kept confidential and on file at Angel’s Helping Hands office. Applications are used by the current board members to identify and evaluate potential board candidates. All new board of directors are elected by a majority vote of current board members.

Please answer all of the following questions as completely as possible.

As you consider this opportunity, please familiarize yourself with this list of general board member expectations. As a Board Member:
• I will interpret the organization’s work and values to the community and promote the organization.
• I will be 100% committed to the mission of the organization.
• I will attend 85% of scheduled monthly board meetings.
• I will attend 85% of activities/events throughout the year.
• I will contribute $500 annually or $125 every quarter.
• I will collaborate with other board members and suggest new ideas for the organization.
• I will participate in and take responsibility for making decisions on issues, policies, and other board matters.
• Serve a minimum of one (1) three-year term on the Board. Eligible to serve two (2) three- year terms if re-elected.
Type your name above

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